“Mama Diali” Nehorai Turgeman New Single

Nehorai Turgeman grew up in a house that was filled with music and Jewish spirituality. His father is a Paytan who performs in shul on Shabbos and works in the restaurant business. Nehorai’s tremendous musical and vocal talent was made clear to his parents already at the age of 6 on Erev Shabbasos in Shul. However, his journey into the world of performances and concerts only started once he joined the side of musical producer Tziki Zanti, who has produced names like Ofer Levi, Ayal Golan, Yoav Yitzchak, Chaim Moshe, Chaim Yisrael, Itzik Eshel, and many other hugely talented musical professionals.
Nehorai was discovered unexpectedly by Tziki Zanti, when he was searching for a child to sing. He asked the Rebbi of a Talmud Torah if he could help him find a child who would fit his needs. Immediately as Nehorai began to sing, Tziki was stunned by his vocal talents that he had not heard from all 25 years of his work with some of the top line A-list performers.
With Nehorai’s parents’ permission, he decided to take the boy on a musical journey, in which he began searching for material that would fit with his young but powerful voice. About a year ago Tziki took a picture on his phone of Nehorai performing a rehearsal of the known song Nachamuni, and put it up on Facebook, from which it went totally viral in three days.
Nehorai is now releasing a Morrocan style single called Mama Diali, written and composed by Motty Ohayon, conducted by Tziki Zanti.
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