by yossi | February 15, 2015 11:05 am
Producer/arranger/composer Naftali Schnitzler has left his mark on Jewish music with such albums as Shimmy Engel, Yoely Greenfeld, Shauly Waldner, Lipa and Tzali Gold. Three years ago Naftali released a series of freilich albums titled “Simchas Hachaim.” The albums were produced for Aderet music and totaled a number of three. This year however, Schnitzler is releasing his own production of a more chassidishe nature entitled “Moleh Simcha.”
Naftali recruited only the best wedding singers in the United States to perform on this album. The list includes Rabbi Shloime Taussig, Tzali Gold, Yissachar Gutman, Shimmy Engel, Yoel Klein, Aharele Samet and Menachem Moskowitz. The album features the best contemporary Hasidic hits which will help you bring in the simcha this Adar! The album also features adult and kids choir by the talented Moshy Kraus.
The album is being distributed by Nigun Music and available sometime this Wednesday and on
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