The OJ Band & Choir “Aleinu”
This is a recording of an original song called “Aleinu” written by Avromi Meyer, Chanina Wolf, and Shalom Bienstock. My friends and I recorded it under the direction of Rabbi Nachman Seltzer as a project at Yeshivas Ohr Yerushalayim. Check out our other songs as well. {Electric/Acoustic Guitar, Keyboard – Mike Vodianoi} {Saxophone – Tzvi Norowitz} {Drums – Menachem Silver} {Choir (in no specific order) – Yoni Spigelman, Avromi Meyer, Chanina Wolf, Aaron Korb, Aaron Litzman, Tzvi Norowitz, Charlie LaVene, Dani Dratler, Aryeh Shachter, Michael Siman-Tov, anyone I may have missed} {Producer – Rabbi Nachman Seltzer} Recorded at Shemesh Studios, Ramat Beit Shemesh.
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