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Otsar ft Nissim Black – Hashem Shomer

Otsar ft Nissim Black – Hashem Shomer

Artist and composer Otsar releases “Hashem Shomer” his first international single in which he partners up with rapper Nissim Black.

Hashem Shomer” is an African beat in a contemporary pop setting, mixed with deep lyrical meaning. Written together by Otsar and Nissim musically produced by Or Frey and Yisrael Laub. This is the first single in a series of duets with the all-stars in Jewish music, which is set to releasing in the coming months, stay tuned.

Born in 1994 in Brooklyn New York, Otsar was brought up in an environment where music was an important part of family tradition, he was constantly surrounded by musicians and artists. By the age of 6 he begged his parents to enroll him in the community choir of Mill Basin. Making Aliyah with his family in 2009. Otsar started to compose and produce music for artist. Over the years he eventually build a name for his musical talent, which landed him the opportunity to collaborate with Nissim Black on his album “Lemala”. He is featured on “Shomer” which he composed for Nissim Black. After featuring with Nissim, Otsar had the chance to meet up with Gad Elbaz in studio and show off his talent, now working together with HOSHEN- ZOAB ENTERTENMENT on his debut album, the rest is going to be history.

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