by yossi | March 31, 2009 11:58 am
Ovadia Hamama, a rising star in the world of Jewish music today, brings us his second album “Keshehaneshama Meira” – his seventh collection of songs.
“Shamayim Vaaretz”, the album which introduced him to the Jewish Music world, back in 5766 won widespread acclaim, selling over 30,000 copies. Hamama’s musical interpretation of “Ana Bechoah” touched a cord amongst religious and secular people alike, and made an amazing breakthrough The inspiring story of emunah on the disc’s cover holds hidden and open miracles sparking great faith that carries the characters in his songs through times of trouble:
David Friedman – a holocaust survivor who rescued a holy niggun from the inferno. Tzur Kozick – the barmitzvah boy badly wounded in a terror attack who miraculously recovers. Shoshana Basri – granddaughter of the tzadik and mekubal Rav David Basri, is mortally wounded but is brought back to life by the power of prayer.
Keshehaneshama Meira brings together songs of faith and tales of miracles sung by Gad Elbaz, Hemi Rodner, Shlomo Bar, Gil Akivayov, Shuli Rand, Erez Lev Ari, Ehud Banai, Ilan Damari, Barry Sacharof, Shlomi Shaban, the Wach Family, Itzik and Avishai Eshel and Haim Yisrael and other impressive combinations, that could only be achieved due to Hamama’s rich musical outlook.
In Hamama’s music two worlds blend – oriental piyutim and western rock – to create a spellbinding musica experience that is not just another means of distraction or entertainment but the expression of a soul seeking spiritual heights.
The album will be distributed by Greentech, Israel’s foremost music company.
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