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Pinchas Ben Naim Presents: Pesach 5783 – Another Sparkling Musical Production From The Creator of The Melody Orchestra

Pinchas Ben Naim Presents: Pesach 5783 – Another Sparkling Musical Production From The Creator of The Melody Orchestra

And this time… a medley of favorite Pesach songs in an original and magical duet by the two great singers Simche Friedman and Natanel Israel and accompanied by a brilliant musical accompaniment by the Melody Orchestra, arranged and produced by Yishai Ibn Haim, the band’s arranger, who, as usual, also surprised this time with an innovative and kicking sound and arrangement.

In the medley, the best beloved and well-known holiday songs are performed, alongside a magical atmospheric music video produced by Sruli Broncher.
Chag Sameach

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