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R’ Meshulam Greenberger – Aleinu Leshabeach

R’ Meshulam Greenberger – Aleinu Leshabeach

R’ Meshulam Greenberger, the composer wants to know why all of the recent hits have only been sad songs of distress? Therefore, he is now releasing a single that is both emotional and meaningful, but at the same time, upbeat and fast, called Aleinu Leshabeach.

R’ Meshulam is responsible for a number of authentic Chassidic hits, the main ones of which are Dovid Hamelech, and Emor from Sruly Werdyger, Amein from Lipa, Ein Keilokenu from Avraham Fried, Mai Dehave from Shloime Taussig, Kad Yasvun from Benny Friedman, Im Al Hamelech Toiv, and many others.
Meshulam is now hard at work on his second album, which should be released within the upcoming few months, produced by the talented Yehuda Glili.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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