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R’ Mordechai Gottlieb “Zochreinu”

R’ Mordechai Gottlieb “Zochreinu”

Singer and musician R’ Mordechai Gottlieb and his friends released a song and a clip today specially for Rosh Hashana called Zochreinu Lechayim. The clip was filmed in his Yerushalayim courtyard. He has composed tens of special compositions over the past decade, and he will be releasing the best of them in a debut album within the next short time. Zevi Fried produced the song and recruited some of the best in the business to take part in the song, such as Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry, Yisrael Hershman for sound, Chazan Dova’le Heller and the Shilitz brothers, and Shimi Weitzlender.

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