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Reb Yaakov Singer With A New Single “Emes Emes”

Reb Yaakov Singer With A New Single “Emes Emes”

אין לנו מלך גואל ומושיע

As we approach Rosh Hashana, coming out of last year with all of its challenges and going into the new year, we should all realize that only Hashem can solve our problems and help us.

The secret to the continued existence of the Jewish Nation is Emes – The truth we live by daily.

ה’ האלוקים אמת – משה אמת ותורתו אמת.

In the finale, that truth which we have served and sacrificed so much for, will triumph, ushering in the Geula.

While visiting Yerusholayim last year, Rabbi Yaakov Singer had the privilege of having his grandson join him and his wife for the Shabbos night Seudah. During the meal while singing zemiros they experienced a tremendous hisorerious and deveikos enhanced by the holy air of Yerusholayim Ir Hakodesh. From this relaxed spiritual setting sprang forth the tune and words of Emes Emes. No doubt it was a real struggle trying to remember this special melody throughout Shabbos. Right after Havdallah Rabbi Singer’s grandson Yitzy Kushner pulled out his guitar and to the sound of his cords they sang and sang. Together they recorded that Motzei Shabbos this beautiful heartfelt melody of Emes Emes.

The next step as always was for Reb Yaakov to contact Hillel Kapnick to produce the track with him and make it readily available for the world to enjoy.

Rabbi Yaakov Singer is no stranger to Jewish music. As a young boy, he already participated in the first Pirchei Choir album. While growing up he was always involved in music and singing. Inspired by the cantorial greats of yesteryear and attending their cantorial services he soon began serving as an accomplished Baal Tefilla, singing at simchos, while also composing his own niggunim and Nusach Hatfilah compositions.

Child Soloist: Tzvi Stern

To listen to Rabbi Yaakov Singer‘s music or download them FREE please visit his Soundcloud page:

Rabbi Yaakov’s songs are also available for digital download on: iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google Play Music and Spotify.

To reach Rabbi Yaakov Singer for comments or questions please email: [email protected]

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