by yossi | March 22, 2013 10:50 am
Not long ago, when groups like Lev Tahor, Six13 and A.K.A. Pella were releasing their first albums, one of the most progressive a cappella albums of all times was released. The name of the album was A Cappella Treasury: Shabbos, presented by Sameach Music and acapella guru Jordan B. Gorfinkel. Gorf is the musical genius behind groups like Kol Zimra, Beat’achon and more recently Pella Singers. The collection, 21 tracks in all, featured breakthrough a cappella for its time including 10 NEW songs, 10 classics and an impressive 18 stars. The roster included; Kol Achai, Beat’achon, Six13, Lev Tahor, Abie Rotenberg, Yehuda!, Kol Zimra, Noah Solomon, 8th Day, Ophie Nat and more.
Since then, music and a cappella fans have been amazed with the entertainment and quality level of a cappella that has been released. New groups and singles have helped grow the a cappella field and heighten the level of professionalism.
Now the time has come for the release of the next level of a cappella evolution. Sameach Music and Jordan B. Gorfinkel present A Cappella Treasury: Yom Tov. Just the like first in the series, this album also includes several NEW compositions and well as many classics including several songs previously released as singles. The hit lineup includes names like the Maccabeats, A.K.A. Pella, Six13, Eli Gerstner and the Chevra, Lev Tahor, Pella Singers, Gershon Veroba, Kol Achai, Ari Goldwag, Nochi Krohn and more. A Cappella Treasury: Yom Tov songs cover nearly every Yom Tov festival and holiday from Rosh Hashana to Pesach, Succos and Shvuos, and also Chanukah and others. So this sefira/a cappella season, choose the CD sampler of not just one great artist but more than a dozen: A Cappella Treasury: Yom Tov.
The album will be in stores Chol Hamoed Pesach, however it IS available for download RIGHT NOW on
Click PLAY below to hear the sampler
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