“Sameach” The First Single Off OHAD’s New Album

by yossi | June 7, 2015 1:15 pm

Ohad Moskowitz is finally releasing his fifth album in the coming few days. There has been a four year gap since his previous album’s release, during which time he has conquered virtually every possible stage throughout the world and has performed at many impressive and important concerts in the world of Jewish Music. Now he is releasing a single called Sameach from his album, due out in a few days.

The song was composed and arranged by Moshe Laufer, and the lyrics were written by David Fadida himself.

Rumors have it that there is a composition of Yossi Green on this album that is comparable and brings back memories of some of his classic ballads of years and years ago.

Click PLAY below to hear the single

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Source URL: https://www.thejewishinsights.com/wp/sameach-single-ohads-album/