Second Impressions: Don’t Stop “Teaser”
Making history once again, on May 12th…
Gershon Veroba is about to release
"Second Impressions: Don’t Stop,"
the long-awaited sequel to
his groundbreaking “Impressions” album.
Two years ago, Gershon released
his 10th album, "Reach Out,"
with original songs of brotherhood
and insight that continue to gather
audiences of all backgrounds and beliefs.
Now, as he returns to creating
unparalleled pop adaptations,
Gershon proves himself once again.
In true GV tradition, the album won’t just
meet audience expectations but, thanks to
his roster of guest artists like
A.K.A. Pella, Tom Bowes, Shimon Craimer,
Aryeh Kunstler, and Sam Glaser & others,
along with members of his band, Takana,
it will actually exceed them.
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