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Shalom Vagshal Presents Moti Weiss – “Hinei Ze Ba” Live

Shalom Vagshal Presents Moti Weiss – “Hinei Ze Ba” Live

This is the first official song and music video from the album launch for Moti Weiss‘ “Hinei Ze Ba” which took place on Chanukkah in Binyanei Ha’Uma.

The new album “Hinei Ze Ba” has been purchased by thousands of Jewish music lovers around the globe and its songs have been topping the charts on radio stations and digital music networks in recent months.

Production: Shalom Wagshal

Lyrics and music: Shlomo Goldfeld, Moti Weiss, Tuli Lipsker, Avromi Sternfeld
Album arrangement: Avromi Sternfeld
Management and musical accompaniment in the show: Yehuda Galili and the “Hamenganim” Orchestra Choir: “Kappella”
Public relations: BaFront

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Hinei Ze Ba LiveMoti WeissShalom Vagshal

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