Shaul Hayon Releases His Sixth Single “Bisimcha Shelach”

by yossi | October 22, 2012 1:36 pm

Beloved and popular singer Shaul Hayon is looking to heat up the dance floor this winter. He just released his sixth single from his upcoming album. The new song entitled “Bisimcha Shelach” has a lot of energy and will be on Hayon’s upcoming Mediterranean studio album which will be released in the coming months.

The new single “Bisimcha Shelach” invites you to dance, to sing, to increase the speed square, and let the soul!

The lyrics were written by lyricist Katherine Bracha, and the composition and musical production by guitarist Yoni Kaisear.

The previous singles released from the upcoming album include, Amen Amen / Shomey Oti[1] / Hkol Yachol / Abba[2] .

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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  1. Shomey Oti:
  2. Abba:

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