Shauly Waldner – Audio Preview & Pre Order

Shauly Waldner‘s new CD Tov Hashem will be available next week! Enjoy this little preview from the album. Get ready for the exciting new music video from On Time Productions coming soon! Stay connected, LIKE Shauly on his new facebook page here. Read more about this new album at The album will be available on CD and Digital Download.
Pre Order the new CD here.
Click PLAY below to hear the preview
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I just can’t stop listening to the preview. I’ve heard Shauly sing many times in the last 5 years or so. (in LA) Shauly’s got a beautiful thick, rich, and pure voice. A definite replacement for Reb Mordche. Shauly is not the King of Jewish Music, but he has an amazing future career ahead, now that MBD retired. BTW– he is a brother of multi talented composer/vocalist Yitzi Waldner… one of the greatest Frum composers the Jewish world has seen in the last decade. And last but not least the unbelievable Producer (produced CD’s for Lipa, Beri Weber, Yoely Greenfeld, Michoel Schnitzler, Yumi Lowy and most recently Yoel Weiss[…from LA] as well as other projects)the one and only extremely talented Naftuli Schnitzler. These three have made a great impact on the Jewish music scene. Hatzlocha Rabbah to all of them!!!
Just from the preview I already love Siman Tov (music video on the way) and the Title Track… Tov Hashem which sounds like the beat of Chabadsker Niggun from Beri Webber and Kevodo by Lipa)
and a couple of the slow songs sound a little like Yeedle style songs.
(This was not a paid advertisment)
I’m lovin’ this stuff. it’s awesome. And nice comment from A Fan from LA.