Shaya Lexier – Ayeh

I composed Ayeh while walking back from Yeshiva through howling rain on a cold winter night.
את צמח דוד עבדך
The song begins with words that are every Yids deepest desire, to be apart of those who will be blessed to witness the final redemption. To experience life as a flourishing nation in our homeland, with Mashiach as King, devoting our lives to the service of Hashem!
איה מקום כבודו
The chorus fades back to the yearning Jew, who is still stationed in exile, where the Shechina is far from us, where things aren’t the way they’re supposed to be, and this yearning Yid longingly awaits the Beis Hamikdash so that he can return to the House of Hashem, to feel close and at home again, alas!
Composed and sung by Shaya Lexier
Produced by Yitzy Berry and Eli Klien
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Bass: Nachman Helbitz
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