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Shevet Achim – The Freilach Band Featuring Itzik Dadya, Simcha Leiner, Shulem Lemmer & Shmueli Ungar

Shevet Achim – The Freilach Band Featuring Itzik Dadya, Simcha Leiner, Shulem Lemmer & Shmueli Ungar

‘We are all so different, yet we are all one. We are from different tribes, but we have one father. We come from many different places, but we all have one home.’

What better way for us to express this message then with a cover of this popular Israeli hit song, performed live at the Lifschutz / Srulowitz wedding in Crystal Spring Resort with 4 sensational performers.

Ladies & Gentlemen we are proud to present, ‘Shevet Achim’ featuring Itzik Dadya, Shulem Lemmer, Simcha Leiner & Shmueli Ungar accompanied by The Shira Choir.

Music by: Freilach Band/Avrumi Schreiber
Arranged by: Avremi G
Composed & Written by: Idan Raichel & Doron Medalie
Mixed by: Chaim Gottesman
Freilach Logistics & Backline: Shulem Heiman
Video: Motty Engel
Video Edited by: Dror P
Public Relations: I & Me Media

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