The Shilitzim Group With A Video In Memory of Meir Banai Z”L

by yossi | May 21, 2017 8:46 pm

The Shilitzim are a band made up of three brothers. The special musical group sings covers in different styles, such as Carlebach, Chassidic, and Israeli. They are excellent Kumzitzers, and have already performed in Binyanei Ha’Umah, The Tel Aviv Museum, the Google Israel offices, and more.

They recently sang alongside singer Yishai Ribo at a concert, and performed some of Meir Banai’s Z”L songs. At that concert, they sang Banai’s song Lech Eilai. They connected to the song so much, that they decided to record it and release it as a single and video clip, which was produced by Meir Briskman.

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