Shimmy Miller Sings “Alef Bays” Off The Upcoming Shirei Pinchas 3
Though he is in his 70’s, composer Pinchas Wolf hasn’t stopped for a moment. With the release of Shirei Pinchas volume one a year and a half ago and volume two a little more the half a year ago, Pinchas is ready to light up your Chanukah with Shirei Pinchas volume 3.
Gaining much attention this past Ellul was the hit single, Tatte Oy Tatenyu, which was released as a music video starring famed vocalist Shlomo Simcha. The cinematography of David Lenik coupled with the poignant arrangements by Doni Gross and heartfelt vocals of Shlomo Simcha, pulled at yidden’s heartstrings around the globe to cry out to our father in heaven. Now however, with Chanukah approaching, it’s time to sing and dance.
Shirei Pinchas 3 features the return of famed vocalists Shlomo Simcha, Dovid Gabay, Micha Gamerman and Shimmy Miller, as well as welcoming new artists to the “shirei pinchas” family Eitan Katz, Uri Davidi and Ari Goldwag.
With the release of Shirei Pinchas just over a week away, Reb Pinchas decided to release the song “Alef Bays” as a single to give you a little taste of what’s to come. The song features famed vocalist, chazzan and choir leader Shimmy Miller as you have never heard him before. Shimmy’s vibrant vocals and yes, even chazzonus will amaze and astound you. But it’s not just Shimmy. Doni Gross’s energetic and symphonic arrangement, and of course Reb Pinchas’s composition will have you singing Alef Beis Gimmel Daled Hey all day. Pinchas composed this tune over 30 years ago when he was chozer b’tshuva, and the Yiddish lyrics and chazanus are of his own design. “If you want the Geula, then first you need Emes and Brocho, it’s just simple Alef Bays,” says Reb Pinchas. The niggun and the words just came to him one day together out of the blue. Now 30 years later he is presenting it to the entire world to enjoy.
Shirei Pinchas 3 will be in stores and all digital outlets in time for Chanukah and by distributed in the US by Aderet Music.
Pre-order Shirei Pinchas 3 on MostlyMusic today!
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