by yossi | February 22, 2016 2:38 pm
And here it is! After the smashing success of their previous collaboration Dus Vinderliche Yarmulke (Rabbi Shmuel Kunda’s The Magic Yarmulka in Yiddish) the dynamic duo of Shimmy Shtauber and Chaim Meir Fligman are back with a full wedding/dance album featuring The Shir V’shevach Boys Choir. Music fans will notice that this is the first time in JM history that a wedding album will feature children’s choir and solos EXCLUSIVELY! This album is made up of a collection old and new dance classics, with music arranged by the incredible Avrumy Rosenfeld, accompanied by Chaim Bokchin on guitar and Mark Feinberg on saxophone, along with other guest musicians.
The album is distributed by L’chaim and expected in stores sometime next week. Enjoy the sampler below!
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