Shira Chadasha Boys Choir feat. Yishai Sachs Singing “Chasal” – חסל
Rabbi Nachman Seltzer is proud to present a brand new Shira Chadasha Boys Choir video in honor of Pesach 2014. The song is called, “Chasal” (חסל). Composed by: Yishai Sachs
Arranged by: Gavriel and Yishai Sachs
Mixed and Mastered by: Yitz Berry
Recorded at: Durango Studios Beit Shemesh
Recording Engineer: Baruch Bergenfeld
Video Filmed and Directed by: Tiferet Shish
Guitars: Yehuda (Judah) David
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Hello, how can I get the lyrics of Shira Chadasha’s songs? Thanks