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Song: I’m Still You Child Sung by: Shloime Daskal Off the Album: Poseach Es Yodecha 2008 Lyrics by: Chaim Reinman Composed by: Yitzy Waldner. This song was inspired by a story that happened to someone that Shloime Daskal knew. He had a falling out with his parents at a very young age. The situation deteriorated to a point where he could no longer stay in his parents home. He was not reconciled with is parents until a number of years later when he was in the hospital with a terminal illness. It is Yitzy’s hope that this song will help people realize that we don’t always get a second chance to work out our differences. We need to treat each day in a relationship as if it is our last, since there might never be a tomorrow. A Shmuel Borger Production.

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AderetPoseach Es YodechaShloime DaskalVideo

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