Shom Shom – שם שם DJ Farbreng Feat. Izzy

Shom Shom – שם שם
DJ Farbreng
Feat. Izzy
“אִם אֶסַּק שָׁמַיִם שָׁם אָתָּה וְאַצִּיעָה שְּׁאוֹל הִנֶּךָּ.”
Rebbi Nachman reveals the secret of connection in this passuk from Tehillim 139.
Dovid Hamelech proclaims that no matter where we find ourselves, we are always with Hashem. When I ascend to the heavens, You are there—during my highest spiritual moments, I am one with Hashem. But perhaps even more crucially, when I descend into the depths, when I face darkness and feel disconnected, I am never truly alone. The reality is, there is no place devoid of Hashem’s presence, no situation too far removed to reconnect with Him. In every moment, no matter how distant we may feel, the moment that we recognize Hashem is there we have already done the seemingly impossible. We have already connected to Him once again!
TYH Music / Mendy Portnoy / Farbrengable Studio
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