Simcha Leiner + Krohma Music “Top-of-the-Charts”

Hey Chevra!
Well, it probably doesn’t get any better than this. The dynamic combination of “Top-of-the-Charts” Vocalist Simcha Leiner together with the unparalleled, innovative and thrilling backing of KROHMA, result in these cutting-edge, soul-stirring performances. Get with it!
Dovid Hamelech composed by Yossi Green & recorded by Eli Marcus
BeChochmo Yiboneh Bayis composed by Yaakov Rotblat & recorded by Eli Herzlich
Baruch Hagever recorded by Sammy Borger & Amudai Shaish Boys Choir
Bonim composed by Mordechai Brezel & recorded by Simcha Leiner
Yerushalayim SheBalev composed Avraham Fried & Tomer Hadadi & recorded by Avraham Fried
KROHMA Music conducted and arranged by Nochi Krohn
Videographer Motty Engel
Video editor Jake Sojcher
Live recording engineer Moshe Stareshefsky
Sound by Black Arrow Productions
Mix and mastering Nochi Krohn Team Neshoma: Dov Katz, Elly Zomick, Michael Sojcher
International scribe Bluma Uzan
International Concierge Ely Katz Symphonia Productions
Filmed live at the absolutely AMAZING wedding Simcha of Chaviva Kain & Jeremy Mehl 3/23/2017 Woodbury Jewish Center
KROHMA Music is Nochi Krohn, Yosaif Krohn, Sruli Weinstein and Vlad
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