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Simche Friedman & Barak Grossberg On A Spectacular Journey Across Israel: Nigun 770!

Simche Friedman & Barak Grossberg On A Spectacular Journey Across Israel: Nigun 770!

Chasidic singer Simche Friedman in a special collaboration with songwriter and guitarist Barak Grossberg in an energetic duet, in which they perform a familiar Chabad song, accompanied by a music video with a unique 770 concept.

The music production was entrusted to the up-and-coming producer Efi Sheiner, who is associated with the popular “Tzama” project, and Barak and Simcha wrote lyrics expressing faith and confidence בהקדוש ברוך הוא.

The elaborate clip produced by the director and screenwriter Eyal Zion, reveals all the copies in the holy land of Building 770, the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Beis-Midrash in Brooklyn New York.

The collaboration between Simcha and Barak brings to the screen a refreshing connection of worlds between the Baalei-Teshuva and those who grew up in a rooted Jewish chasidic home. And the result – an energetic and chasidic hit!

Turn on speakers, and start dancing!


Lyrics – Barak Grossberg, Simche Friedman and Effie Sheiner

Melody – Chabad tune

Musical production – Efi Shiner

Cover design – Mendi Elharar

Cover photography and PR photos – Mendi Kurant

Screenplay, direction, photography and video editing – Eyal Tzion – “Kolnoa La’am

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