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Simche Friedman Blesses Us With A New Song!

Simche Friedman Blesses Us With A New Song!

Chasidic singer Simche Friedman does not rest for a moment. Soon after his two smash singles, Od Yavo Hayom and Hashem Yishmorcha, comes a new single Yevorechecho.

This is the ninth! single from Simche‘s soon to be released debut album. Unlike most of his songs, Friedman returns to the sweet old taste of ‘Beit Aba‘, and the result is an authentic chasidic melody (Ashkenazik accent) with a nostalgic aroma.

Yevorechecho was composed by Moti Rotler (who also composed Choson Kaleh for Simche) and arranged by the legendary Yuval Stuppel, who gave the song a contemporary touch and airy Israeli style.

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