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New Single – Benny & Gad Elbaz “Hashem Melech”

New Single – Benny & Gad Elbaz “Hashem Melech”

Benny Elbaz is the host of the reality show “Heichal Hatelhilla/Hall of Fame” and his son Gad Elbaz one of the leading singers in the music industry in the world.

The two greats come together in this amazing song “Hashem Melech” which talks about Hashem being the one and only.

This song is from Benny Elbaz’s upcoming album, and will also be featured on Gad Elbaz’s new album Milim Shel Ruach expected in stores later this week.

Click PLAY below to hear the song

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Tags assigned to this article:
Benny ElbazGad ElbazHashem MelechMilim Shel Ruach

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Write a comment
  1. EK
    EK 4 July, 2013, 19:19

    This song is either being ripped off by Benny and Gad elbaz or is being ripped off by this latin singer! What’s going on here?!?!!!!!

  2. john
    john 2 March, 2014, 03:19

    non of them. it was originally from Khaeled from france called c’est la vie

  3. Cornelia
    Cornelia 17 April, 2015, 02:19

    I could not find the words to the song, may be because I do not have hebrew lettering on my device.
    Would you mind giving me the words to the song in hebrew, with english translation, please.
    My hebrew language skills has faded sinse I last been in Israel, I could make out some of it, but not all.
    Also, is this one of the Psalms?
    One of King David maybe, if so, which Psalm is it?
    Yom Tov!

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