by yossi | March 2, 2016 10:58 am
Written after the tragic passing away of Ari Levin, this song is a reminder that if we all strengthen ourselves like Ari would strengthen himself throughout the day, and how he worked so hard to strengthen others, we can make the world a better place. This song will be available soon for download.
To contribute to the Ari Levin Memorial fund checks can be mailed to;
Zichron Shimshon Foundation
1410 Avenue R
Brooklyn, NY 11229
For Credit Card Donations, please call 845-262-1661
Composed By: Hillel Kapnick
Recorded @ Uptop Studios (Monsey, NY)
Arranged By: Hillel Kapnick
Bass: Aryeh Tiefenbrunn
Hillel Kapnick
Ezra Kapnick
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