by yossi | March 21, 2016 1:04 pm
Yaakov Katz Ketzele is an incredibly busy man. He has his name attached to a number of major projects in Israel, he established many settlements, created media outlets, and has been heavily involved in Israeli politics, and very frequently travels out of the country. On his flights, he finds the peace of mind to hum a new tune here and there into the recording device on his phone. He has amassed a collection of hundreds of niggunim, and his friends have pushed him more and more to record them properly.
This single, Mah Yedidus, is off the upcoming album of his compositions called MiShirei Ha’Shabbos Shel Ketzele. Yuval Stupel arranged and produced the album, and Avremi Roth, Zenvill Weinberger, and Simcha Friedman sing together with the Yedidim Choir.
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