by yossi | August 2, 2010 7:56 am
Pirchei Yisroel was founded by Hanan Avital in 1975 and is considered the oldest in the country. The group of children range between the ages of 9 to 14. The choir consists of immigrants from Russia, Ethiopia and South America.
Since their establishment to the present have recorded over 49 albums – 500 songs a huge variety of styles including; Oriental, Israel, Gregorian, etc. So far the have appeared in concert in the following countries; U.S., Brazil, Argentina, France, Belgium, Spain, Panama, Tunisia, Morocco, Australia, Holland, Canada, Colombia, Switzerland and a long way. For the occasion of their 35 years anniversarythey released a brand new singleentitled “Yisrael Meoz Ulitamid”.
““Yisrael Meoz Ulitamid”
Lyrics: Yossi Gyaspne
Music: Adi Leon
Musical adaptation: Dudu Floor
Vocals: Gustavo Aknyons – a new immigrant from Colombia in a year and a half band
Conducting management: Hanan Avital.
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