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“The Sparks” with a new single “Shuvah”

“The Sparks” with a new single “Shuvah”

After a recent merge between R’ Yossi Goldstein’s Tmimin Boys Choir with the Danny Finkelman’s Sparks Boys Choir – A new single “Shuvah” from their upcoming Chabbad Niggunim album has been released along with a sample Video clip.
“The Sparks” which is a special “Darchai Menachem” after school program hosts over 18 boys from all Crown Heights yeshivos, and provides the boys with musical knowledge, tools, and practice to express their talents, and enhance their self esteem.
“Shuvah”  was originally compsed especially for the Rebbe’s 89th birthday, and is now arranged and mixed by DJ Shemtov, and is with musicians Israel Edelson, Yoni Lober, and Moshe Okunov. Photos ny Chaim Perel.

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