by yossi | July 23, 2013 9:42 pm
Born and raised in Milwaukee Wisconsin, Sruli Twerski has had the unique opportunity to grow up on the knees of his illustrious grandfather, Rabbi Michel Twerski the Milwaukee Rebbe Shlita. Embedded in his DNA are Torah, Ahavas Yisroel and music. Always a staple in Shul or family simchas, it was evident that Sruli’s youthful exuberance coupled with the right message can leave a long lasting impression. With his grandfather’s blessing, he set out to make his own mark on Jewish music.
Through mutual friends, Sruli was introduced to popular wedding singer/composer/choir master and most recently producer, Shloime Kaufman. From there Sruli wanted to convey a message appealing to a younger generation, and working with Shloime was a natural fit. They commissioned the help of budding singer/songwriter Zevi Kaufman, who understood Sruli’s and Shloime’s vision. “Wanting to appeal to a younger market, I felt it was important to convey a message of Achdus,” says Sruli. “With both the melody and lyrics, Zevi hit the nail on the head.” The result is Sruli’s debut single entitled “VeOhavto”. The music on this track is noticeably fresh, using sounds and techniques not often heard in the Jewish market.
“Coming out of the three weeks and heading into Elul, the message of being responsible for one another Blev Echad is how we can go before Hashem and beseech blessings for the upcoming year,” says Shloime Kaufman.
Mixed and mastered by the incomparable Larry Gates, the track will be available for FREE download by clicking HERE[1] or through
For any questions or comments please contact Sruli on Twitter or Facebook @Srulitwerski
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