Srulik Adler, Eli Herzlich, Benzi Stein, Fire Orchestra, Neshama Choir & Hassidimlech – Songs of Jerusalem

An exciting piece performed at the center of the great class of all the yeshivot that took place in the arena in Jerusalem, led by Hagoan Reb Chaim Kanievsky, and all the great men of Israel.
At the heart of the historic class, Srulik Adler, Eli Herzlich, Benzi Stein, the expanded Fire Orchestra conducted by Yanki Landau, and the prestige choir – Neshama conducted by Itzik Filmer, together with the children’s choir – Hassidimlech conducted by Yanki Levinger, excite the audience with Jerusalem songs and songs. ..
Production: Neta Levin
Video editing: Elhanan Nusboim
Musical arrangement: Yankee Landau
Voice processing: Itzik Fillmer
Children’s voices: Yankee Levinger
Mix: Haim Mozes
Cover design: Zeira
PR: Diamond
New Media: Bearish Fillmer
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