Sruly Weinberger Presents: IVDU Featuring Baryo Chakshor

For over a year now Sruly Weinberger has been hard at work on the upcoming album titled Shimah Bekoili> The new album will feature 14 brand new songs composed by Rabbi Yosi Lowenbraun featuring talented rising vocalists from around the world including; Levy Falkowitz, Baryo Chakshor, Shaya Ilowitz, Uri Davidi, Avrami Cohen, Shulem Lemmer and more. The album will iy”h be released this coming Lag B’Omer.
With the fast approaching Yom Tov of Purim, Sruly Weinberger decided to release one of the songs off the album which really suits this time of year. The chose song is IVDU and features the vocals of one of the world renowned singer/composer Baryo Chakshor from Israel who manages to put just the right amount of feeling into the song.
Music arranged: Jeff Horowitz
Composed by rabbi Yosi Lowenbraun
Choirs arranged by Sruly Weinberger
Shulem Lemmer
Zindy Koenig
Shloime fischer
Recorded at Neuman Media studios
Click PLAY below to hear the song
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