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Start Off The Week With “Lechaim Tish”

Start Off The Week With “Lechaim Tish”

After releasing the popular and loved series featuring Shabbos songs from “Lechaim Tish“, the producers surprisingly are releasing a NEW album entitle “Lechaim Tish Melave Malkeh“.

Lechaim Tish Shabbos has six parts to the series and is loved by Jews of every kind and played throughout their homes. Now comes he seventh album in the series Lechaim Tish Melave Malkehthe perfect way to transition from Shabbos to Motzei Shabbos!

Inside this special production you will find both songs of Motzei Shabbos and Melave Malkeh complete with authentic and sweeping arrangements we we have all come to expect and love from Lchaim Music and its founder Rabbi Yosef Moshe Kahana. On the zemiros side the songs that fill the album are the richest of the popular hits from Motzei Shabbos from “Yehei Hachodesh”, “V’kol Tzoholo” to “Tzavei Yeshois Yaakov” and a nigun of Rabbi Elimelech from Lazensk “Ribon Haolomos”.

The album features all the great musicians and Chasidic singer including; Reb Yermiah Damen, Yanky Daskal, Moshe Shtekel, Avremi Roth, brothers Baruch & Mordechai Wiesel along with the Lechaim choir under the leadership of the great arranger/producer Rabbi Herschel Brisk and the children’s choir Pirchei Lchaim. The arrangements were all created by the younger Yehuda Glili a powerful conductor who includes a myriad of instrument which help glorify the album.

Click PLAY below to hear the song Hamavdil from the album

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