The Storyteller Series for Children Presents: The Rescue Reward by Rabbi Yosef Pruzansky
The Rescue Reward is a true story about the Shaages Aryeh and his adopted son Refoel. The young boy is kidnapped and held in a undisclosed location. A simple tailor is put to the task of rescuing the boy and is promised by the Tzadik of a special reward. Indeed, in the end, the Tzadik’s promise is fulfilled in a wondrous way.
Being over an hour long, this story will hold children spellbound again and again. Complete with beautiful music, unreal sound effects, plenty of comic relief and great personalities.
This story is told by Rabbi Yosef Pruzanksy, teacher in 2nd Grade at Darchei Noam in Monsey, NY. The CD will be available through Aderet Music and online at this week.
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