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Tag "Amein V’Amein"

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RCCS Chinese Auction Split-the-Pot Mega Prize Exceeds $300,000!

Second Highest Auction Prize in History is Response to Record Number of Cancer Patients BROOKLYN, NY – In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, with tens of thousands listening and watching via a multi-channeled simulcast, the Rofeh Cholim Cancer Society

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Birchas Hamazon – A Father And His Children

Coming on the heels of the highly popular production “Amein V’Amein” which enlightened many Jews about the importance of saying brachos and answering “amein”, comes the new album called Al Hamozen. The sheer volume of copies sold of the first

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For the past two years thousands have been captivated by the popular musical album “Amein V’Amein/אמן ואמן. Due to the overwhelming successful response of the album; its inspiring and beautiful lyrics as well as its powerful message, Vaad Morah Mikdash

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