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Tag "Ben Shel Melech"

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Yehonatan Ben-Ezra With A New Single & Video Titled: “Ben Shel Melech”

After two singles that conquered the charts, the prodigy Yehonatan Ben-Ezra releases another single and video titled “Ben Shel Melech” written and composed by the duo Yudi Sinai and Avi Soli and arranged by Ahrela Nachshoni. The song, which is

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Eliyahu Chait With A New Single In A Unique Stlyle “Ben Shel Melech”

Eliyahu Chait, son of the legendary R’ Boruch Chait, is releasing his third single, called Ben Shel Melech, written and composed by Eliyahu himself, and arranged and produced by Gershon Freishtat.

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Meydad Tasa Releases SIX VIDEOS

The young and successful singer Meydad Tasa just releases six clips/music videos one for each of the following hit songs; Oy Na Lanu, Torah Hakdosha, Melech Malchei Hamelachim, Kol Ma Sheani, Bachatuna and Ben Adam off his recent hit album

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