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Tag "Erez Yechiel"

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Breslov Singers Unite For Rosh Hashanah: Hachziku Atzmechem Yachad

In anticipation of Rosh Hashana, some of the top Breslov singers got together for a special performance in honor of R’ Nachman, called Hachziku Atzmechem Yachad. The song was composed and produced by Nissan Rothman, and sung by Motti Weiss,

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Shimon Vaknin Hosts Mendy Jerufi, Avishai Eshel, Moshe Dawik, Erez Yehiel, Shimon Sibony, Dadid Shiro & Eliran Elbaz – Bar Yochai Hu Melech [Official Music Video]

Here is an incredible cooperative effort to release a truly special song in honor of Rashbi and Lag Baomer, featuring Mendy Jerufi, Avishai Eshel, Moshe Dwick, Erez Yechiel, Shimon Siboni, David Shiro, and Eliran Elbaz. The song is called Bar

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In honour of Hanukah, a real miracle is about to happen: Yuval Taib’s album Shema Yisrael, the album of the decade, has been released. Taib has been a star of oriental music since the age of 8, his first album

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