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Tag "Gadi Pugatch"

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From The New Album of R’ Mordechai Gottlieb: Shabbos Bei Nacht

This is without a doubt one of the most exciting and surprising songs to be released lately, and perhaps the crowning glory of the album Galui Veyadua, which was released recently by composer R’ Mordechai Gottlieb. The album has 11

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R’ Mordechai Gottlieb – Golui V’yadua [Album Sampler]

After three years of hard work, renowned composer R’ Mordechai Gottlieb who is known for his beautiful kumzits style of compositions is finally ready to release his long awaited debut album. The album is produced by long time music maven

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[Exclusive] Yitzchak Fuchs Releases New Album + Groundbreaking Music Video

The new album from Yitzchak Fuchs is FINALLY here. It’s been four years since Yitzchak released his last album, Shirin Verachshin. Since then, Fuchs moved to NY and made a name for himself performing almost every week at simchas, events

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