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Tag "Kel Adon"

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“Kel Adon” Yossi Hoffman Ft. Adi Ran With A New Single & Animtaed Video

Eight years after releasing the hit song V’Shomru, Yossi Hoffman is now releasing a new hit song with Adi Ran. Hoffman himself composed this new tune for Kel Adon, from the Pesukei D’Zimra of Shabbos. David Taub and the Yedidim

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Yisroel Juskowitz: Fixing The World

For some people Tikun Olam, the notion of making the world a better place, is an abstract concept that might enter their thoughts occasionally, but for Yisroel Juskowitz, Tikun Olam is both a way of life and the theme of

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‘Shtar’ Presents: Poignant Jewish Music

Shtar is a fascinating group, not only due to the musical style that its creators have chosen, but also due to the group’s makeup. Five avreichim now living in Bet Shemesh (but formerly in the US & the UK) spend their mornings learning

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