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Tag "Lechaim Tish"

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Rabbi Yosef Moshe Kahana & Lechaim Productions Present: “Mizrach Tish” – The Greatest Eastern Hits

The Lechaim Tish team has put out numerous albums in the past number of years, but nothing compares to the new album Mizrach Tish. R’ Yosef Moshe Kahana is undoubtedly the top Chassidic music producing person on the scene, and

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Start Off The Week With “Lechaim Tish”

After releasing the popular and loved series featuring Shabbos songs from “Lechaim Tish“, the producers surprisingly are releasing a NEW album entitle “Lechaim Tish Melave Malkeh“. Lechaim Tish Shabbos has six parts to the series and is loved by Jews

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