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Tag "MusicoTorah"

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Ariel Borzutzky With His Second Single “Ad Matai”

After a very successful release of his first single, “Shoshana Bein Hachochim”, the artist Ariel Borzutzky, releases his second single titled “Ad Matai.” For those music aficionados who have grown to love the stylistic melodies and lyrics of Ishay Ribo,

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MusicoTorah: Ariel Borsutzky In His Debut Single “Shoshana Bein Ha’Chochim”

Singer Ariel Borsutzky is releasing his debut single “Shoshana Bein Ha’Chochim“, from a project which he is releasing called MusicoTorah, which he performs a slew of singles which he wrote and composed under the inspiration of Torah learning. Ariel was

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