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Tag "Naftali Landsman"

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Eli Weiss & Yeshiva ‘Binyan Av’ Present: “V’Al Yidei Mitzvas Krias Megillah”

A special project after decades: The Alumni of Yeshiva “Binyan Av” release a unique series of niggunim from the Yeshiva. The niggunim are now being released to the world in a moving performance by the author and musician, R’ Eli

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‘Ain Kadosh K’Hashem’! Mendy Weiss, Yoeli Klein & The ‘Malchut’ Choir Perform The Melody By Simcha Bleich

A premiere production of the works and treasures of the prolific composer Simcha Bleich, in an immersive and captivating performance. For the first time, Bleich, under whose leadership dozens of fine melodies, emotional melodies and dance songs have been released,

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