Back to homepage‘Moshe Rabbeinu’ – Suchy Goldstein, Pini Pollak, Negina Choir, Beri Hershman & His Orchestra
Beri Hershman presents:In honor of the Hilula of Moshe Rabbeinu, which falls on the 7th of Adar, Beri Hershman presents a unique medley.The medley weaves nostalgic musical compositions dedicated to the hilula. Together, they tell the story of Moshe Rabbeinu
Read More“Nagina Voch” Choir & Yisrael Adler In The Second Episode of The Series “Viyitain Licha”
The Negina choir, together with Yisrael Adler, continue with the second episode of the three-part series for Mozei Shabbos“Negina Voch”. It is a series of live performances on stage with the best songs for Motzei Shabbos. Conducted and orchestrated by
Read More“Nagina Vuch”, Negina Choir & Yisrael Adler Launch Series with “Hamavdil”
The Negina Choir, together with Israel Adler, are launching a new three-episode series for Motzei Shabbat “Negina Voch” a series of live performances on stage with the best songs for Motzei Shabbat. Conducted and orchestrated by David Fink from Belgium.
Read MoreNegina Choir Feat. All Stars With “8 Days Negina”
What an incredible journey! Join us as we relive the light and joy of our now renowned 8-day Chanukah short series “אכט טעג נגינה” Just like on Chanukah when we light a new candle each day and continue to add
Read MoreMotty Hecht Presents: “Yevatel” Ari Weiss & Negina Choir
Motty Hecht is presenting a brand new single called Yevatel, performed by Ari Weiss, together with the Neginah Choir. The song is based on a Kretchnifer Niggun from R’ Mordechai Nadvorner ZT”L. Moishy Cahana arranged and produced the single.
Read MoreHallel With Chaim Shaye Weil, The Negina Choir & Benny Brandsdorfer
Uplift your soul with this stirring mix of Hallel and Pesach songs. Masterfully presented to you by world-renowned star singer Chaim Shaye Weil, accompanied by the heart-warming vocals of the Negina Choir and highly skilled musician Benny Bransdorfer. Transport yourself
Read MoreHershy Rosenbaum Presents: “Refuainu Hashem”
The world is in chaos. No one knows what tomorrow will bring. Mutant variants. lockdowns and quarantines. Social Distancing and Vaccines…. People are begging for a cure and salvation. Wedding star Hershy Rosenbaum, who recently moved from Israel to London,
Read MoreEnergetic LIVE Performance Shloimi Meisler ,Listig Band & Negina Choir
The world renowned singer Shloimi Meisler of Antwerp, Belgium, who has gained an incredible prominence and is a fixture at weddings, and at any given occasion alike, presents a real hit, energetic music video. Meisler who grew up and resides
Read MoreNegina Choir & Shmili Steinmetz – Nodeh
The single which is on everyone’s favorite playlist, is an uplifting and freiliche song, which in today’s age is seldom found. A song full of simche and gratitude to hashem. The song was composed by the highly talented, energetic group
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