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Tag "Pester Rebbe"

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Yoely Lebovits – “Rosh Hashanah Kol Hashanah”

Yoely Lebovits / Pester Rebbe is widely known as one of today’s leaders in Jewish entertainment, serving us with a unique mix of song, comedy and spiritual inspiration. Yoely‘s talent is so diverse that besides for being famous as a

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Yoely Lebovits Announces New Kumzits Band “Ohr Choizer”

Yoely Lebovits a.k.a. the Pester Rebbe announced the following yesterday on social media: After 18 years of doing Kumzitzen throughout the world, I have decided to launch an official musical band with very talented individuals. When I sing with them

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[] Chasidic Comedian, Looking to Shed New Light in the World of Music and Entertainment CD’s

Marketing has always played a critical role in sales. As such, companies are constantly scrambling to come up with innovative ideas on how to push their products further as they constantly seek better and more effective marketing tools. Today, it’s

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Pester Rebbe announces new album “Pesterized”

This morning on Facebook Yoely Lebowitz a.k.a. the Pester Rebbe announced the name and date of his new album. The album will be called “Pesterized” and it will features 10 brand new songs. Five tracks will be comedy acts and

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Thruway – Yoely Lebovits – BoonDash

As promised a little after noon today the following  music video was released on Thruway, Written, Composed & sung by Yoely Lebovits, The Pester Rebbe On the New Comedy CD BoonDash Video Produced by – Yoely Stauber

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Get your BOON-DASH while it’s hot!!!

As reported this past Motzei Shabbos, Yoely Lebovits the Pester Rebbe just today released a new album in time for Purim entitled “Boon-dash”. Check it out! there are 8 tracks, 3 episodes, & 5 songs including the hit MegaMeshiga song

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Yoely Lebovits the Pester Rebbe with a new album in time for Purim “Bundash”

Its been two years since comedian/rebbe Yoely Lebovits released his wildly popular “Purim Bailout ” Cd featuring the breakaway single “Gaila Bus”. Since then Yoely has been performing WORLD WIDE entertaining and education yiddin with his “jokes” and toires. But

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MUSIC on the BAY with Berri Weber, Yitzchok Fuchs, Shua Kessin and more!

Xclusive productions present an evening of MUSIC on the Bay with, Beri Weber, Eli Beer,  Yitzchok Fuchs, Shua Kessin & Chaim Lowy Master of ceremonies,  Pester Rebbe – R’ Yoely Lebovits Wednesday Night – August 5th, 2009, Boarding 7:15pm |

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