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Tag "Rabbi Michel Twerski"

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Sruli Twerski Debut Album V’kabtzeinu Yachad [Audio Preview]

Sruli Twerski was born, not only with the gift of musical ability, but with the passion to inspire the melodies he sings. Sruli grew up surrounded by music, and although he learned the art of song from many talented instructors,

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Sruli Twerski: Our Soldiers/Chayaleinu – A Sruly Weinberger Production

Sruli Twerski is a young and vibrant rising star in the Jewish music world. His love for music and passion for singing began at an early age. His grandfather, Rabbi Michel Twerski From Milwaukee, a powerful influence in Sruli’s life,

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Sruli Twerski Releases The Hit of The Summer “VeOhavto”

Born and raised in Milwaukee Wisconsin, Sruli Twerski has had the unique opportunity to grow up on the knees of his illustrious grandfather, Rabbi Michel Twerski the Milwaukee Rebbe Shlita. Embedded in his DNA are Torah, Ahavas Yisroel and music.

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