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Tag "Reuven Hayun"

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The New Song “Tzippor” From Kobi Oved

The unique singer and composer Kobi Oved is working on a new single clip that he wrote and composed himself titled “Tzippor” or by its additional name “Handida Sh’mibifnim“. Reuven Hayun is responsible for the musical arrangement and production.

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Elchai Azrad In His Debut Single “La’an Eilech”

Elchai Azrad is a singer who for years has performed at events and directs himself as high as possible, with an amazingly powerful and exciting voice, with rare vocal abilities, brings you something special that was not there. “La’an Eilech“,

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Emotional Therapist Mordechai Roth Hosts Clarinetist David Kliger

Therapist Mordechai Roth presents the song “Zeh Lo Menashe” which he wrote and composed following an amazing story about the Rabbi Asher Frind z”l. And so it is told: Once they found R. Asher Freund shouting in the forest for

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