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Shema Yisrael – The Childrens Choir “Mishalot”

The children of the Mishalot Boys Choir are renewing the song by Aaron Razel called Shema Yisrael. The song was arranged and produced by Daniel Yishai.

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The Remix Of Ari Fraser’s “Shema Yisrael”

Singer Ari Fraser is releasing a remix version of his song Shema Yisrael. The original version was arranged by Ron Aviv and Tomer Edgem, but now a popular new producer named Chagai Mizrachi is remixing the song and giving it

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The Second Single From Ari Fraser “Shema Yisrael”

After releasing his debut single called Mekimi, singer Ari Fraser is releasing yet another called Shema Yisrael, which he wrote and composed himself. The song was arranged and produced by Ran Aviv and Tomer Edgem.

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Aaron Razel With A New Album “K’ven Hamitga’agea”

Twenty five years after the first hit that made Aaron known as a respected musician and a creative artist in Jewish music “Hasneh Bo’er“, and a decade after the hit “Kavati Et Moshavi” that established him as a musician of

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Aaron Razel In A Duet With David D’or – Shema Yisrael

Singer and composer Aaron Razel hosts singer and composer David D’or for an exciting duet in the unknown of Aaron Razel “Shema Yisrael“. Musical Arrangement and Production: David Ichilvich

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In Honor of The Yahrtzeit of His Father: Avremi Roth – Shema Yisrael

Despite it being a little strange to release a single for his father’s first Yahrtzeit, Avremi Roth knows that its exactly what his father would have wanted. The song is called Shema Yisrael, and was arranged by Yishai Zolburg.

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A Tefilla Medley with Yitz Henkin and EvanAl

A Tefilla Medley perfect for the Aseret Yemei Teshuva. During this auspicious time of the year we beseech our creator to have mercy on his children. Shema Yisrael and Malachim Hakdoshim are two songs that reach into the depth of

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Ofir Levy & Yuval Tayeb In A Duet “Shema Yisrael”

A collaboration between two giants of music Ofir Levy & Yuval Tayeb in this heart thrilling ballad “Shema Yisrael“. This new musical production features a pronominal mix of musicians and violinists from Turkey. Two years ago Yuval Tayeb released his

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In honour of Hanukah, a real miracle is about to happen: Yuval Taib’s album Shema Yisrael, the album of the decade, has been released. Taib has been a star of oriental music since the age of 8, his first album

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