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Tag "Sheves Achim"

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The Album That Will Give You “Shira Yetaira” From Lenny Solomon

Lenny Solomon is one of the more colorful personalities in religious music. He has an impressive and full musical resume, as the lead songwriter and co-partner of the band Kesher and the founder and lead singer of Shlock Rock, which

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Miami Boys Choir Chol Hamoed Succos with Benny Friedman and 8th Day!

THE CHOL HAMOED SUCCOS SPECTACULAR! Sun. & Mon. eve Sept. 22 & 23, 745pm Coming to the magnificent Brooklyn School of Music, are 2 amazing current star packed shows, which will cater to all Jewish music fans! Starring YERACHMIEL BEGUN

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Hashem Loves You! [Official A Cappella Music Video]

Having a hard day? Things not going your way? Don’t worry, Hashem loves you! Here it is! The brand new “Hashem Loves You!”, music video. Hashem Loves You is from the newly released a cappella album, a cappella SOUL, which

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Ari Goldwag: A Cappela Soul Cover and Preview!

Aderet is excited to announce a new CD featuring Ari Goldag, Sheves Achim, Sheves Chavreim and special guest Moshe Dov Goldwag. The new CD, “A Cappela Soul”. Over the last few years, Ari Goldwag has released a number of A

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Ari Goldwag to Release A Capella Album featuring Sheves Achim & Sheves Chaverim

Over the last few years, Ari Goldwag has released a number of A Capella singles which have garnered much interest during the sefirah season. Now, he is set to release a very special A Capella album featuring thirteen songs, ten

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Sheves Achim 2: Cover and Pre Order Now!

Sheves Achim is set to release the sequel to their smash hit debut album. This new album features the matured voices of Shimon and Moshe Bell, singing songs composed by Ari Goldwag, Elimelech Blumstein, Yehuda David, and Dovid Klaver, as

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Sheves Achim 2

Sheves Achim is set to release the sequel to their smash hit debut album. This new album features the matured voices of Shimon and Moshe Bell, singing songs composed by Ari Goldwag, Elimelech Blumstein, Yehuda David, and Dovid Klaver, as

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Ari Goldwag presents: 2 Acapella song for download

Ari Goldwag is proud to present the following two tracks available for purchase. The first is a song from his first solo album (Lishuascha Kivinu), and it is the song Aleinu. Here, Ari’s son Moshe Dov is featured singing the

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